"VB SportsWeb Academy, now re-named as Volleyball Ace (VA) Academy was birth forth with a mission - to build a big pool of talented volleyball players in Singapore through different initiatives. The emphasis is 'talented' through a big pool of players. This academy is set up not to be an average volleyball academy, but to be among the very best in Singapore." - Coach AWS
VA Academy accepted the challenge to be assessed based on 1. Results of school competitions or any volleyball competitions, 2. The number of players subsequently to represent Singapore in combined school, youth or national level will be an additional good indicator on the progress of the academy. In short, Volleyball Ace Academy strives to excel in 2 areas - 1. to groom great players of great character and 2. to groom great players of exceptional volleyball skills.
The most pressing project for us is setting up a well-organised volleyball club - D.H.Griffin. Players representing D.H.Griffin are groomed for the future of SG volleyball. They are trained to excel in volleyball and as a person of great character. VA goal is to create many opportunities for the 'Griffins' and hope some of them will turn out to be exceptional and be able to represent Singapore one day.
Volleyball Ace (VA) will invest heavily to groom the next generation of volleyballers in Singapore. Passion to give our best to the players is the 'key'. We love to provide the additional help to players who show great passion to be stretched and willing to sacrifice their time to further their volleyball skills. D.H.Griffin is the very 1st volleyball club which VA will invest in, and VA is hopeful to provide more of such investment to more well-organised volleyball clubs in the future.
"One of the greatest honour is to represent your country and play for your country! I hope I can witness some of them to play for Singapore one day ; and they are prepared and willing to play for their country." - Coach of D.H.Griffin.
Volleyball Ace Academy
While we maintain our focus on developing 'talented' players, VA has started our strategic plan for long term succession plan. Young and talented coaches are carefully mentored within VA to maintain a high level of standard. We are always on a lookout for coaches who have a heart to learn and able to make a difference to the player's volleyball skills and character developments.